Helpful info about entering FRCQ exhibits
One of the great things about Front Range Contemporary Quilters is our strong exhibit program, which gives our members a chance to show off and maybe even sell our work. People from out of state who rarely attend our meetings still belong, primarily to participate in our exhibits.
FRCQ would like to encourage all members to enter our exhibits.
We also realize that members might be intimidated by the thought of entering an exhibit. Yes, FRCQ members include nationally and internationally recognized quilt artists – but our exhibits include many pieces of art made by every level of artist. There’s room for you! And our more experienced artists will welcome you.
Top 10 Myths about Entering FRCQ Exhibits: Top 10 Myths about Entering FRCQ Exhibits
Tips for sizing your artwork images: Sizing Your Artwork Images
Not sure whether your art fits an exhibit category? Does your art meet the size limits? Contact the exhibition coordinator listed in the call for entry.
Not sure how to make a sleeve for an art quilt? Or how to write an artist’s statement? Or photograph your art? The world is full of teachers who have posted helpful, free tutorials on just about every aspect of getting an art quilt ready to show. Google your subject, and pick from the choices that pop up.
Join FRCQ Today!
Please join this fun, lively artistic group of 150+ members. Our monthly meetings feature international, national or local speakers. Only members are eligible to participate in our dynamic workshops and excellent juried exhibitions. Membership dues are $35 a year and membership runs for 12 months. Dues are $25 a year for Student Members, available for those enrolled in a course of study. Membership in FRCQ includes all meetings, a high-quality monthly online newsletter, and eligibility to register for workshops. Visitors are welcome to the monthly meetings for a $10.00 fee.
To register/join, CLICK HERE.
To learn more about becoming a member, CONTACT US.
(If you would prefer to mail a membership form with a check: FRCQ Membership Form)
FRCQ Social Media
Dates: Every third Monday, January through November.
Location: All meetings are available on-line via Zoom with the link included in our monthly newsletter. Several times per year, we hold hybrid in-person/zoom meetings. The location may vary, so please refer to the MEETINGS page on our website for information as to which meetings are in person and where they will be held.
Time: On-Line meetings run from 7:00-9:00 pm. In-person meetings have social time which starts at 6:30 pm and the meeting from 7:00-9:00 pm.